


Grammeen Phone

Skitto: Character design, Font Design, Visual Ideantity Guideline

Main Project Image
Main Project Image
Main Project Image

"Skitto" is the product of the largest telecom (Grameenphone), one the leading telecom in our country and It was the first time they had give a chance to a local studio. I was lucky enough to be part of the project. I have helped to rollout their Branding, Character Design, Creating Bangla Font and a proper, elaborate visual identity guideline. The main objective was to transfer the feeling Youth for users enjoy to the entire brand family. The presence of such a visual identity system solves, first and foremost, a business’s challenges.

Large Project Gallery Image #1
Large Project Gallery Image #1
Large Project Gallery Image #1
Large Project Gallery Image #2
Large Project Gallery Image #2
Large Project Gallery Image #2
Project Gallery Image for 50% width of the screen #1
Project Gallery Image for 50% width of the screen #1
Project Gallery Image for 50% width of the screen #1
Project Gallery Image for 50% width of the screen #1
Project Gallery Image for 50% width of the screen #1
Project Gallery Image for 50% width of the screen #1
Large Project Gallery Image #3
Large Project Gallery Image #3
Large Project Gallery Image #3