


Awesomemotive Inc

Charity or Fundraising Website Builder

Help users build Charity Website without any Coding Knowledge

Project Objective - Make it easy to create custom donation forms/crowdfunding/peer-to-peer fundraising/charity events / in honor of (gift giving) - Make it easy to customize how they look on the website - Make it easy to find all the features that we have - Necessary upgrades - Drag and drop Campaign Builder, Pre-made Donation Page, Donor Management, Peer-to-Peer Fundraising. Previous Design The previous design had several areas of deficiency that were hindering its effectiveness. For instance, it lacked pre-made templates which would have streamlined the process of creating donation forms. Users had to start from scratch every time, which was time-consuming and inefficient. Additionally, there was no robust system in place for donor management which made it challenging to track and manage information about donors. This omission made it difficult to build and maintain relationships with donors. These, among others, were substantial limitations in our old design. New Design Offer Certainly, below are the key features we need: - Efficient Donor Management: A system to effectively track and manage information about our donors, aiding in building and maintaining relationships. - Custom Donation Forms: An option to create customizable donation forms to cater to various fundraising scenarios. - Multiple Payment Gateways: Integration of various payment gateways to provide donors with multiple convenient payment options. - Donation Reporting: A robust reporting system for all donations, ensuring transparency and ease of accounting. - Peer-to-Peer Fundraising: A feature to facilitate and manage peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns. - Drag and Drop Donation Forms: A user-friendly interface allowing creation of donation forms through a drag-and-drop tool, making the process more efficient and less time-consuming.


This swift acceptance by our clients underlines the effectiveness of our redesign. Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with clients expressing their satisfaction through various channels, including, and phone calls. This positive reception has also translated into tangible results, with the download ratio showing a significant increase of over 15%. Given these promising early indicators, we are optimistic about the continued success and potential of the new version.