


Awesomemotive Inc.

Code snippet for websites, Best in the market so far.

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Main Project Image
Main Project Image

A Single Code Snippet Management can replace tens of plugins with ready-made code library.

Project Objective - Convert Insert Headers and Footers into a full Code Snippet management. - Allow users to be able to manage both Global and Conditional snippets for header, footer, body … as well as custom code. - Fully redesign the plugin with code generator, add Snippets, add conversion pixels, add some default snippet examples, and add some default snippet examples, etc. In the previous design, there was just an option for inserting code snippets on the header and footer of the website. The New requirement is to create a plugin that serves all the custom needs of any website. So it has to have a modern smart solution for the client that doesn't require any knowledge of coding. This brings the requirement of code library, Error Handling and Code Suggestion. New design offers Code Generator Smart Error Detection Conversion Pixels Add Snippets Global and Conditional Snippets Code Suggestions

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Large Project Gallery Image #1
Large Project Gallery Image #1


Just two months after the release of its new version, the plugin reached two million active installations, all without any paid marketing. Today, it ranks as the 5th fastest-growing plugin from Awesome Motive and the 30th most popular plugin on WordPress. This surge in popularity has resulted in an outstanding increase in user engagement and positive reviews. With its user-friendly interface and efficient functionality, the plugin continues to gain more traction in the global WordPress community. The strategic decision to expand from just managing header and footer snippets to a comprehensive code snippet management system has undoubtedly paid off. As we continue to innovate and improve our offerings, we anticipate even greater growth and success in the future. The plugin demonstrated significant growth in 2023, securing its position as the fastest growing plugin of the year.

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  • The image featured in the carousel #1
  • The image featured in the carousel #2
  • The image featured in the carousel #3
  • The image featured in the carousel #4
  • The image featured in the carousel #1
  • The image featured in the carousel #2
  • The image featured in the carousel #3
  • The image featured in the carousel #4